All in Creative Space

Growth in Lockdown

Those places I would rather go and the things I would rather see are closed off, they have been muted and put away, and the quiet, understated satisfaction enclosed within a brown plastic pot is suddenly all that’s left. The potential in a seed, and the satisfaction of its growth is more absorbing than I thought – it is really beautiful.

Sense and Sensitivity

I am thin-skinned, hysterical, irrational. "Stop being so sensitive," they lecture, forgetting that it's in my nature, that it's as much a part of me as my eyes are green. I’m easily affected. It’s both an inconvenience and a blessing having a heightened sensitivity to the world.

The End of a Friend: a Poem

As we muddle through adulthood, we uproot for new cities, new jobs and ambitions. Inevitably our relationships change, but while some fade out quietly, leaving others to flourish in their place, there are still those which leave an ache of absence.